School Profile
- School Information
- School Mission Statement
- Our School Goals
- Community Involvement
- Athletics
- Activities
- School Data
School Information
School Information
Address: 3425 S 360th St, Auburn, WA 98001
Phone: 253.945.3670
Fax: 253.945.3699
Principal: Sara Jackson
Assistant Principal: Michael Bosch
Dean of Students: Kelly O'Rourke
Counseling: Bree Malloy (A-G), Sabrina Vlad (H-N) & Jaquette Easterlin (O-Z)
Grades: 6-8
Year School was Built: 2005
School Mission Statement
In an environment of high expectations, high support, and no excuses, the staff of Sequoyah Middle School will continually learn, lead, utilize data, and collaborate to ensure our scholars have a voice, a dream and a bright future.
Our School Goals
Our school goals align with the district strategic plan:
Goal 2- Whole Child: Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Pride Points
- School safety from the 22/23 school year.
- School-wide focus on positive behaviors and support for social emotional well being, school safety, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships: Sense of belonging 5% increase according to student panorama surveySchool-wide focus on positive behaviors and support for social emotional well being, school safety, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships: Sense of belonging increased 6% according to student panorama survey, with an 11% increase in scholars feeling that the belong at Sequoyah.
- According to the Panorama student survey engagement increased has 6%, the highest in Sequoyah history!
- Equity Team meets regularly to identify barriers and next steps around academics, discipline, social emotional well being, and safety with a focus on aniti-racist and inclusionary practice
Area of Focus
- By June 2024 discipline data will have a +10% reduction in exclusionary discipline for all racial groups.
- By June 2024, all subgroups will have a -10% decrease in tier 3 attendance.
- By June 2024 we will increase student sense of belonging for all racial groups by +10% through intentional feedback and activities, that focus on students feeling welcomed and connected, and building teacher-student relationships.
- By June 2024 we will increase school safety for all racial groups by +10% through intentional focus of decreasing physical altercations, establishing peer mediators, providing HIB lessons, and PBIS systems and routines.
Goal 4- Content-Area Competence: Mastery of All Subjects
Pride Points
- School wide tier one instruction commitments have been developed to support an increase in the number of scholars on grade level in both math and ELA
- Winter Reading I-Ready median progress to annual typical growth is 94% (highest in the district)!
- Increase in scholars meeting proficiency in reading and math i-ready diagnostic.
Area of Focus
- Continue the trajectory of our math and ELA gains while focusing on targeted multi-tiered supports through core and intervention classes. Increasing student talk and quality of questioning with a focus on high levels of classroom discourse.
- By June 2024 the percentage of scholars meeting proficiency on SBA, i-Ready (reading & math), and WIDA will increase 30%.
- By June 2024 100% of PLC will engage in inquiry cycles, at least quarterly, to align instructional practices and assessments, improve teaching and learning, identify interventions and enrichments (including small group instruction), and create opportunities for student discourse.
Community Involvement
Our Communities In Schools liaison coordinates direct service support to our scholars and families. Volunteers, mentors and community partners engage with scholars in creating a positive school culture. We are always looking for others to join us. Please contact Jalece Eaton at or (253) 945-3782.
School Improvement Plan and Score Cards
Check out our school’s progress at
Check out or contact our school for a current list of available athletics teams.
Black History at Sequoyah (BHAS) |
Thu 4:30 |
Wed. During lunch |
After school Tutoring |
Mon.-Thurs. 2:30-4:15 |
Art Club |
Thurs. 2:30-4:15 |
Technology Club |
Mon. 2:30-4:15 |
Jazz Band |
Mon.-Thur. 2:30 |
School Data
You can find data for all schools on Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s website including scholar demographics, teacher information, free and reduced lunch rate, school funding and financial resources, and assessment data at
Also, check out the FWPS Data Dashboard on our website: and click on the “Data Dashboard” icon at the top of the page.
Updated: 3/25/2024
School Mission Statement
Our School Goals
Our School Goals
Our School Goals
Our school goals align with the district strategic plan:
Goal 2- Whole Child: Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Pride Points
- School safety from the 22/23 school year.
- School-wide focus on positive behaviors and support for social emotional well being, school safety, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships: Sense of belonging 5% increase according to student panorama surveySchool-wide focus on positive behaviors and support for social emotional well being, school safety, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships: Sense of belonging increased 6% according to student panorama survey, with an 11% increase in scholars feeling that the belong at Sequoyah.
- According to the Panorama student survey engagement increased has 6%, the highest in Sequoyah history!
- Equity Team meets regularly to identify barriers and next steps around academics, discipline, social emotional well being, and safety with a focus on aniti-racist and inclusionary practice
Area of Focus
- By June 2024 discipline data will have a +10% reduction in exclusionary discipline for all racial groups.
- By June 2024, all subgroups will have a -10% decrease in tier 3 attendance.
- By June 2024 we will increase student sense of belonging for all racial groups by +10% through intentional feedback and activities, that focus on students feeling welcomed and connected, and building teacher-student relationships.
- By June 2024 we will increase school safety for all racial groups by +10% through intentional focus of decreasing physical altercations, establishing peer mediators, providing HIB lessons, and PBIS systems and routines.
Goal 4- Content-Area Competence: Mastery of All Subjects
Pride Points
- School wide tier one instruction commitments have been developed to support an increase in the number of scholars on grade level in both math and ELA
- Winter Reading I-Ready median progress to annual typical growth is 94% (highest in the district)!
- Increase in scholars meeting proficiency in reading and math i-ready diagnostic.
Area of Focus
- Continue the trajectory of our math and ELA gains while focusing on targeted multi-tiered supports through core and intervention classes. Increasing student talk and quality of questioning with a focus on high levels of classroom discourse.
- By June 2024 the percentage of scholars meeting proficiency on SBA, i-Ready (reading & math), and WIDA will increase 30%.
- By June 2024 100% of PLC will engage in inquiry cycles, at least quarterly, to align instructional practices and assessments, improve teaching and learning, identify interventions and enrichments (including small group instruction), and create opportunities for student discourse.
Community Involvement
Community Involvement
Our Communities In Schools liaison coordinates direct service support to our scholars and families. Volunteers, mentors and community partners engage with scholars in creating a positive school culture. We are always looking for others to join us. Please contact Jalece Eaton at or (253) 945-3782.
Fall Season #1 | Winter Season #2 | Winter Season #3 | Spring Season #4 |
Begins September | Begins November | Begins January | Begins April |
* Non-cut Sport
**Due to WIAA regulations, 6th graders may note participate in football
Questions and/or concerns may be directed to Beverly Abad, Athletic Director, at (253) 945-3897 or email at
School Data
School Data
You can find data for all schools on Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s website including scholar demographics, teacher information, free and reduced lunch rate, school funding and financial resources, and assessment data at
Also, check out the FWPS Data Dashboard on our website: and click on the “Data Dashboard” icon at the top of the page.